Title: Lucky Peach: 101 Easy Asian Recipes
Author: Peter Meehan and the editors of Lucky Peach Magazine
Series: Stand Alone
Publisher: Clarkson Potter
Publication Date: October 27, 2015
Source: Blogging for Books
Once again, Blogging for Books has blown me away. I requested this book not really knowing what to expect - maybe something small with a few recipes in it. I don't really know. But whatever it was I thought I was going to get, what I actually got was a lot better.
To start off, this book is quite large. There are so many different recipes. From appetizers to main dishes, there is a lot of different things that you can make in this book. The dessert section is a little small. It has about 2 different recipes and one doesn't really count as a recipe. The dessert is an orange and the directions are that you can slice it or not (pg. 262) I found it quite humorous to be honest.
The over all book is very well put together. Almost all of the recipes have a picture to go with them, which I love. It makes it very nice to be able to see what the food you are trying to make should at least kind of look like when you are done. That is very helpful for someone like me who is just starting their adventure in to the cooking things at home instead of eating out world.
Also, the directions seem pretty simple and easy to follow. I really like how everything is set up. The book even takes the time to go over some of the more commonly used ingredients that you can have in your pantry at the beginning of the book.
All in all, this is a great book for those who like to cook at home and also like Asian cuisine. You will find recipes for chicken, fish, beef, noodles, rice, etc in this book. There are recipes in this book that are sure to be a hit for a dinner party or for a simple week night dinner with the family (or roommates or yourself). I highly recommend that you add Lucky Peach: 101 Easy Asian Recipes to your cookbook arsenal.
My Rating
5 Stars
This review is based on a copy provided by Blogging for Books in exchange for a fair and honest review.
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