Title: Miss Felicity Beedle's - The World of Poo
Author: Terry Pratchett
Series: Disc World #39.5
Publisher: Doubleday
Original Publication Date: June 7, 2012
Source: Edelweiss
I wanted to like this book more than I did...really. After all of the praise that I have heard about Terry Pratchett's Disc World series I thought this would be a good book to start with. I figured that since it was short it would be a good way to introduce myself to Pratchett's writing style. Until now I had only read one book that he co-authored with Neil Gaiman. A book I happened to enjoy a lot by the way.
This short novel is about a boy named Geoffrey and his love of poo. Geoffrey is visiting his grandmama when he discovers his new passion with poo. A bird happens to poop on his head and the groundskeeper tells him that it is lucky for that to happen. From this little incident Geoffrey's love of poo is born. He wants to collect all different sorts of poo from all sorts of animals. Birds, dogs, cats, worms, dragons, gargoyles, if it exists in his world he wants the poo. He desires to open up a museum in a shed in his grandmama's yard that will house the largest collection of poo in the world.
I guess I figured that this book would be more filled with humor than it actually was due to its title. That, or Pratchett's humor went right over my head, as I did not really find this story very funny. I guess I could be totally wrong and there wasn't supposed to be humor in this book. I honestly do not know.
Even though it was short, I found it hard to get myself to finish it. I did manage it though. Sadly, in the end I must give 2 out of 5 stars.
This review is based off of an advanced reading copy provided by the publisher, Doubleday, via Edelweiss.