Title: The Magician's Key
Series: The Secrets of the Pied Piper #2
Author: Matthew Cody
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: November 8, 2016
Source: Publisher
This series is just too much fun to pass on you guys!
The Magician's Key takes off where the first book in the series ended. No pause in the story for us! But I am definitely not complaining about that, it would have been weird if the author had left that gap.
That being said, if you haven't read book 1, but choose to read this review on book 2, you will most likely find yourself reading a spoiler or two for book 1. You can find my review for book 1 right HERE though.
So in this story we still have our two main characters, but they are separated. Max made it back to the regular world, but Carter is still hanging out on the Summer Isle.
Both have their separate adventures, but they tie in beautifully and it is very easy to follow the story even though it switches between the two and what each one is individually doing.
We also get to meet some new characters and get to know some of the old characters from book 1 even better. It is quite a treat!
Carter is actually with the Pied Piper a good bit, so we really get to know him and some of his back story. And Carter gets some great character development.
Max is the one who really ends up meeting most of the new faces that we come across in this story. And, in my opinion, she probably has the harder adventure of the two. She is the one who meets our newest villain in the story Vodnik.
We also get to learn more about the creatures that should be in the Summer Isle but are stranded back in the regular world not quite fitting it.
This book really brings the story even more to life than the first one did. A great continuation to a wonderful adventure story!
My Rating
4 Stars
This review is based on an eARC provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.