Title: The Breathless
Series: Stand Alone
Author: Tara Goedjen
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Publication Date: October 10, 2017
Source: Publisher
Let me completely honest with you here. I finished reading The Breathless a couple of weeks ago and have just been sitting on writing this review. Why? Because I have no idea really what to say to you about it. And I have been finding myself still lost in thought over things that happened in this story.
The Breathless was one of those books where you read it and it just makes you think. A lot of things happen in this story and the writing is beautiful. But there is something about it that makes you keep going "hmm" when it's over and done with.
The Breathless is about a girl named Mae. Her sister had suffered a tragic death - the kind where they think she was murdered and they think that her boyfriend is too blame. However, her boyfriend has been missing since it happened...almost a year. Her sister then finds this mysterious book and other strange things start happening....
One thing really just rolls into another and you find yourself spellbound by the story within. Yes, sometimes you can pretty much see what is happening, you don't really find yourself caring that much. The story telling is superb and it makes up for that *some* of the story is predictable.
Now, you may recall that I told you I keep thinking on this book. And it is because that despite being able to predict things, there were other bits I was not. And there are strange bits littered throughout the story. It was one of those books that when I finished I was really tempted to go back and reread it again. To see the things that I missed. Part of me thinks, though, that if I were to do that I may be even more confused than I am.
There is just such an air of mystery and intrigue to The Breathless. I am not really sure if we are supposed to be able to decipher all of the strange.
I have really wanted to discuss this book with someone since I read it, so please contact me once you finish!
My Rating
5 Stars
This review is based on an eARC copy provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.