Title: Little Monsters
Author: Kara Thomas
Series: Stand Alone
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Publication Date: July 25, 2017
Source: Publisher
I read Kara Thomas' other book The Darkest Corners and was completely blown away (check out my review for it HERE) so I knew I had to read Little Monsters.
But I was afraid.
I was afraid I was hyping it up too much in my mind and that I was going to end up being bitterly disappointed in what I found between the covers of the book. I was afraid that there was no waqy that Kara Thomas could live up to my very high expectations that I know have of her thanks to The Darkest Corners.
Eventually I did manage to put my fears aside and read the book (how else would I be writing this review...I am the queen of the obvious right now I guess..) and OMG.
In Little Monsters we have our cast of characters with our main one being Kacey. Kacey is a bit newer to her tiny town. However, she has made friends with a couple of other girls - Bailey and Jade - and they have been more or less inseparable. Then one day, for reasons Kacey isn't quite sure of, her friends have cut her out. She is expecting them to force her to go to a party she doesn't really want to go to, but they never call or come to pick her up.
Did she do something at their failed sceance the night before to make them mad? Was it because her little sister ended up tagging along? She cannot help, but wonder what it is she did and they aren't telling her. But Kasey doesn't get to ask them because Bailey never gets home from that party....instead she goes missing.
Then things unravel. Things are learned about the truth of each of the girls involved. And it really is just a mess.
An incredible well plotted out mess. Kara Thomas is a master at twisting her plot this way and that. You never quite know where she is going to take her story. For awhile she will cause you to think A, and then something happens and you are thinking B.... And then all of a sudden you are on D....and back to A. It is intense and wonderful and such a fantastic ride the whole way through!
Honestly, I am still kinda tripped out by a bit in the end. And I really hope Kara revisits these characters at some point. I think she could really have another story in there some where for us. Maybe not with Kacey as the focal point, but I wouldn't mind it at all.
Filled with amazing plot twists that will keep you on your toes, Kara Thomas delivers us a fantastic second novel. She has proven to me that she is not a one trick pony and I anxiously await her next book!
My Rating
5 Stars
This review is based on an eARC provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.